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Thames Ironworks 10:14 Sat Nov 19
Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Club has been f*chef over do much over the last few years to the point I got one can't be bothered any more. Promises and wasted opportunity is just a common theme.
The owners have played around and not grown us as a club and just tired of it. My opinion of course

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Coffee 3:40 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Jim C 3:38 Sun Nov 20

Oi wot u looking at? 3:39 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Same shit different day my friend!

Jim C 3:38 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Can I also say people need to stop moaning. Last night was totally our own fault, we were not conned, we were not unlucky, we were fucking stupid.Two bad mistakes and we got punished.

It does of course make it ten times worse as it was against Spurs, but any decent opponent would have punished sloppy play like that.

cuzoftheeast 3:37 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I do

But then I ain't a quitter

But it will get a lot worse before it gets better

Jim C 3:35 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Bye then.

ted fenton 3:28 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Billy Blagg 1:27 Sun Nov 20

, 2:54 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Having supported the club for years I'm not going to stop now. However over the years I reckon the club has grown away from me more than it being the other way around. That is why for me the move to the OS is just another staging post in the growing away process and not a deal breaker. It's football, at the top level, per se that has grown away from me as well not just our club.

Like Carlo Ancelloti has said we need to hold supporting a team in the right perspective so that it is not one of the important things in life but instead possibly the most important of the less important things.

Billy Blagg 1:27 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Tomshardware 10:07 Sun Nov 20

motley crue 10:22 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I'm mid forties, defintely give much less of a shit last few years and as I've got older but yesterday still had me waking up today with a very sick feeling.
Getting relegated wouldn't be nice but I've been there before, that stadium though and all the new shit that comes with it, not impressed at all and that bothers me more.

Coffee 10:10 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
chelmsfordhammer 10:01 Sun Nov 20

Try imodium.

Tomshardware 10:07 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I still give a shit but not like I used to, football has changed so much and I don't invest quite as much emotion as I once did.

chelmsfordhammer 10:01 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I really wish i didnt give a shit but i do even though i really try not to.

Private Dancer 9:00 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
This topic has been discussed many times on here before. A lot of people start giving 'less of a shit' as they get older, have kids, mortgages, grow out of it, etc, that's normal. This arguement that you simply cannot just switch off, lose interest and stop giving a shit? I'm not sure I agree with that. I can think of a few people who use to go every week in the 80's and early 90's who no longer give a flying fuck at all, one reason they gave up is due to the obscene money in the game now. Some will argue that they cannot have been real West Ham fans, but they went every week for years, so yes, they were. So it can happen, and I don't count 'looking out for the result' qualifies as still giving a shit.

East Ham Bull 8:58 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
We all give a shit. We are all West Ham supporters. It's just our board has lied, failed on their promises, moved us into an athletics stadium and generally fucked us over too many times that we feel totally let down.
Think of it a the footballing equivalent of Blair's "things can only get better" and then .......they didn't.
Sullivan, Goldo and Tits McGee have promised us much with the move to the OS and so far from a supporters stand-point delivered fuck all.

Coffee 8:41 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Sydney_Iron 8:34 Sun Nov 20

Sydney_Iron 8:34 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Its all very well saying you don’t give a shit anymore, unfortunately it don’t work like that, if you have grown up supporting a team, followed them through thick and thin, you cant just turn around and say fuck it! First result you will look for is West Hams and don’t tell me you will either feel happy or disappointed at the result you see??? Then unless you are giving up football completely, and good luck with that if you have grown up with it!!!! You cant avoid the PL or what’s going on with it, and if West Ham don’t get mentioned, odds on you will want to find out why assuming you have cut all ties, have no mates or internet………….

Supporting a team from as long as you can remember is part of your DNA, part of you, don’t matter were you are or what you are doing your team is your team, you don’t get a choice.

Mine like everyone else here is West Ham, as hard and as frustrating as it is, I know I can never change, Premier league or conference, it will be the first and only game each week that really matters to me and I watched few over the weekend, enjoyed a few as a football fan but only one really mattered to me.....

1964 12:39 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I give a shit, I'm fucking angry about that shit 10 minutes.

If you don't give a shit then give it up, your not a West Ham supporter.

dicksie3 12:28 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I give a shit.

I'm fucking fuming.

Absolutely fucking fuming.

Lock this cunt thread. What a load of old fucking cock snot.

1964 12:15 Sun Nov 20
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
Can't believe some of the shit on here. Blame the ref, got conned.

Bollocks we couldn't see a game out for 5 minutes when in front and not just draw but lose. Bilic must go if he can't coach the team to keep ball and see out a game.

As well as that, we have too many passengers in the squad - who's fault. Bilic or the dildos.

RM10 11:48 Sat Nov 19
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
The last thing I want to hear tonight is another twat rambling on about same old shit

grasshopper 11:47 Sat Nov 19
Re: Honestly does anyone really give a sh*t any more?
I havent given a shit for most of this season after so many poor performances. I knew we would be worse than last year after such a shit transfer window, but tonight i think i am more pissed off that tottenham conned a penalty out of that pathetic mike dean and won the match. Football has become too one sided nowadays in terms of officiating and team quality. I love west ham but they dont give us much to cheer about nowadays

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